7210 Louis Pasteur Dr San Antonio, TX 78229
Hours: M 9 - 4, T 9 - 7, W 9 - 4, Th 9 - 4:30





Although it seems impossible to navigate high school, college or even nursing school with an unplanned pregnancy, you do have a safe place to work through this life-altering moment.

We can:

  • Confirm your pregnancy with free lab-grade pregnancy testing.
  • Provide a free limited ultrasound scan.
  • Discuss your options privately.

What Are My Options?

This is a big decision that no one else can make for you. When you book an appointment with us (210.614.4124), we will provide as much information as possible on every option (abortion, adoption and parenting) so that you can make an informed decision. We are here for you to provide a safe place to process your thoughts, feelings, fear and concerns. Contact us today!

Can I Discuss Options Without a Parent?

At the San Antonio Pregnancy Care Center, when you make an appointment and come in, you can rest assured that your conversation and any information you share with us is completely confidential within the guidelines of the law. No parent is required to be with you for any of our free services.

Can I Bring Someone to my Appointment?

We want you to feel comfortable, so you are welcome to bring a partner, a friend or a family member with you.

You Have Rights! What are they?

As a pregnant student, you have certain rights determined by the Federal government. According to Title IX, a Federal civil rights law, you are protected from discrimination based on sex (which includes pregnancy or parental status) and entitled to:

  • Continued access to classes and extracurricular activities.
  • Excused absences for pregnancy & birth and access to the same academic standing as before you left.
  • The option of home-bound instruction or tutoring.
  • Access to reasonable accommodations like elevator access, a larger desk, more bathroom breaks, etc.

Be sure to speak to your school counselor as soon as possible to ensure that your rights are protected.