7210 Louis Pasteur Dr San Antonio, TX 78229
Hours: M 9 - 4, T 9 - 7, W 9 - 4, Th 9 - 4:30


Abortion Information and Education



If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you might be considering an abortion. Prior to any abortion, confirming a positive pregnancy test and having an ultrasound are important. There are different types of procedures (and risks) depending on how far along you are. An ultrasound dates a pregnancy, confirms the location of the pregnancy (to rule out ectopic pregnancy which can be life-threatening) and checks for viability (if you have a living pregnancy).  Our supportive medical team can provide this at no cost and in a non-judgmental and caring manner.   Call or text us at 210.614.4124 to set up an appointment. 

Abortion Information

What Do I Need to Know About Abortion?

Abortion is a serious medical procedure.  There are two options: medical/chemical and surgical.

Although these procedures are illegal in the state of Texas, we care about your health and safety. If you are considering an abortion, we provide information on the procedures specific to your pregnancy and how each may affect your body, risks, and what to do if complications arise.

Our licensed medical staff is here to answer any questions you have.

What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

The Abortion Pill (also known as medical/chemical abortion, mifeprex, RU-486)

The abortion pill causes an abortion. It is approved by the FDA and the manufacturer up to 10 weeks of pregnancy and involves two medications, mifepristone and misoprostol.

The first medication blocks progesterone which disrupts pregnancy development of the implanted embryo. The second medication is taken separately; this causes strong contractions to empty the uterus.

Symptoms include strong cramping, bleeding, nausea and possibly vomiting.

Sometimes a D&C procedure is needed if all of the embryo and pregnancy tissue are not removed.

Surgical Abortion (2 types – Vacuum Aspiration and Dilation & Evacuation) 

A surgical abortion removes the fetus from the uterus through the vagina.  These procedures often use suction or medical instruments.  Different procedures are used depending on how far along you are.  If you are unsure how far along you are (and most women are unsure), reach out to us for a no-cost ultrasound. 

Typical surgical abortion steps: 

  • Dilators (rods) or medication may might be used to open the cervix (depends on how far along you are) 

  • A  numbing medicine may be injected in the cervix. Sometimes other medicines for pain or sedation will be given by mouth or through a vein. 

  • Your cervix will be opened with a small instrument. 

  • A suction tube (cannula) will be used to remove the fetus and pregnancy tissue. 

  • There will be cramping, and some women may have nausea or feel faint. 

What are the Complications of Abortion?

The abortion pill has a 4 times higher complication rate than surgical abortions.

Be Aware: 8%-10% of women will require a surgical abortion to complete the process.

If you perform an abortion procedure without medical supervision, be sure to seek emergency medical attention if you experience the following:

  • Heavy bleeding: soaking through 2 pads an hour for 2 or more hours.
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge.
  • Fever higher than 100.4 F lasting more than 24 hours.
  • Severe abdominal or back pain that doesn’t respond to pain medication.

What Are the Risks?

Just like any other surgical or medical procedure, there are health risks associated with abortion.

Some risks of the abortion pill include incomplete abortion, heavy bleeding, and infection.

A surgical abortion can lead to damage to the cervix, uterus, and other internal organs.

Extreme risks include sepsis, fertility loss, and death.

If you have more questions, our licensed medical staff is here for you and can give you factual information about the risks of these procedures.  Reach out and schedule your no-cost appointment today at 210.614.4124.