7210 Louis Pasteur Dr San Antonio, TX 78229
Hours: M 9 - 4, T 9 - 7, W 9 - 4, Th 9 - 4:30


What to Expect

When women reach out to us, they often are undecided about what to do or what next steps to take.  Our knowledgeable staff and licensed medical staff can discuss your situation and options comprehensively (physical, emotional, relational, spiritual) and provide what you need to make an informed decision.


We value the privacy and confidentiality of our clients. We strive to maintain the highest standards of confidentiality in all interactions and services provided, and we do not share any personal information about you or your visit with anyone outside of our organization.  However, we do uphold our legal responsibilities to mandated reporting laws (child abuse, neglect, threats of harm to self/others).


In a safe environment, our professional staff respects you and your body. We do not judge you, pressure you or treat you with anything but consideration and attentiveness.

Information and Options

Come receive accurate and up-to-date information and resources about your options, STI’s, sexual health and pregnancy.